life update - 4 weeks into uni

You may have noticed a lack of posts over the past few weeks, that is because I have started university! It has been a very eventful few weeks which is why I thought I would give you a little update on my life. I have moved for the first time in my life, met so many new people, gone through freshers week, started lectures and also experienced many issues along the way. I would like to warn you that there is talk of drinking and injury in this post just in case these are things that you do not want to read. 

I had always lived in the same house for my whole life, meaning that I had never moved so when it came to packing most of my possessions up I found it quite difficult as I had never needed to do anything like this. Thankfully, my sister had already done university so my family could help me with how to organise my things. Moving was actually very easy for me and I got to my accommodation and had a really nice room. I also got to meet my flat mates and we all got along so well which was so lucky as this was one of the things that I was worried about because these are people that I'm going to have to live with for the next year of my life at least!

The start of freshers week really didn't go well for me. As I moved in on the Sunday it meant that the first freshers event was that night, but unfortunately the buses stopped early meaning that me and my flat mates couldn't get into town and we then found that there were no UberXL, the taxi service weren't picking up so we couldn't get to the event we had tickets for. This meant that our first night of freshers ended with us going back to our flat by midnight and not actually going out. 

As we didn't make it out, we definitely wanted to the next night. We had tickets for an event and made sure that we got the bus early enough this time, on the way to the club though I got hit by a car. I am completely fine and I was okay at the time but as I had gained injuries to my front and to my head as well as bruising and spraining my ankle I had to be taken to hospital. I spent 12 hours in total in hospital and the next morning I called my parents to let them know what had happened and they came back to my university just 2 days after dropping me off. This meant that I then didn't go out the night after as I was in no state to and needed a lot of rest. I would like to add that I was fully responsible for the accident and would like to express to everyone that waiting a minute or so to be able to safely cross a road is a better idea than thinking that you will be able to run across in time because you never know that these things could happen to you. I did finally make it out a few days later and have now almost completely recovered (minus the cut on my head still fading and bruising on my leg from the impact). 

Starting actual work has been a lot harder than I was expecting, at school and college you are normally eased in during the first few weeks but this is not the case at university. Straight from my first week I had lots of reading and analysing to do (which is another reason that this post hasn't come earlier) and you may not get this with every subject but it was something that I feel like I wasn't fully prepared for.

I was quite lucky in the fact that one of my friends from home was also studying the same course as me at the same university, meaning that I had someone to sit with in most of my lectures and seminars. There were some that we aren't in together though but I am part of an English group chat on Facebook where we all planned to meet with at least one person before a seminar so we didn't have to walk in and sit alone. This made it so much easier to make friends as if they were then in something else you would already know them. I have met some really nice people on my course so far and thanks to the chat that I am a part of we can all ask questions about any work without it being as daunting as just messaging one new person.

It is now coming up for my fourth week at university and I've just had my birthday as well, so that was a whole new experience not seeing my family and all my friends for my birthday but I still had an amazing time with the new friends I have. I am trying to get back into balancing work with socialising and also trying to get back to blogging again but please just bear with me for the next couple of months whilst I adjust. Also if you would like more life update posts then please let me know because I would love for you all to get to know what's going on in my life a lot more if that's something that you would be interested in. I hope you have enjoyed this post anyway and I'm sure I will try and be back again soon!

bethany x
