june favourites

So my exams are finally over which means I have more free time and can start doing things I enjoy again, such as posting more on here! I have missed it so much and I've got so many posts planned so I'm really hoping that I'll be able to keep up with it all again! As my exams finished at the end of the month I thought what better to start back with but a monthly favourites! June was literally full of me sitting in my room at my desk for most of the time but we also got struck with a heatwave which dragged me away from my revision a little bit so I did actually get out to enjoy some things!
So my first favourite is this Clean & Clear Deep Cleansing Lotion which I picked up at the start of the month. My skin had been gradually worse and I knew a lot of it was down to stress but since starting to use this I have felt like I am really getting all the makeup and dirt out of my pores at the end of the day and my skin is left feeling a lot fresher. 
My next favourite is another skin care product and this is The Body Shop Aloe Calming Foaming Wash. I had been using The Body Shop Vitamin E Facial Wash for quite a while and when mine ran out recently I went in to pick another one up and spoke to some of the people that work there and they recommended me to try this to help with the redness that I get as it may be due to an underlying problem which this would help with. Hearing their advice convinced me to pick this one up instead and try it out and I thought that the idea of a foaming wash was really interesting, as I'd never tried one like this before. I will admit the first time I used it, it felt very strange in comparison to my normal one but after having used it throughout most of this month (2-3 times a week), I have found already that my redness has gone down a lot and I am presuming that it is because of this product. So if you suffer from redness but don't have necessarily sensitive skin, try this out as I don't tend to have sensitive skin but this has really helped clear my skin.
Even with these two new skin care pieces, I still found some spots coming up which I am blaming mainly on stress and the amount of rubbish food that I have been grabbing as I'm revising. To deal with these I have been using the Clean & Clear Advantage Spot Control Treatment Gel, as I have never found a spot stick/gel that has worked better than this one does for me. It doesn't completely get rid of my spots but I find that it really does reduce the size of them. However, if you have any other spot gels that tend to work really well for you then definitely let me know because there's always those ones that just never seem to go away no matter what you try!
As I mentioned, we have experienced a heat wave this month which meant that I suddenly had to go out and get myself some sun cream. As I'm not going on a sunny summer holiday this year, I thought I would grab a protective dry oil because I know that these tend to help with getting a tan and as I always feel a lot better when I am tanned (but am rubbish with fake tan) I thought this would be quite good for me. I really liked how it worked as well because I feel like I definitely caught a bit of a tan quicker than I would have otherwise and as it is a protective oil it meant that I still didn't burn. I got this in both a 20spf and 15spf so that I could use it on the less sunny days that we'll hopefully still get and keep trying to build up a little bit of a tan. Of course, I haven't been using this on my face as it's an oil and have a separate 50spf face sun cream that I use as I always seem to burn easily on my face.
One of my first makeup favourites from this month has been this L'oreal Color Riche one in Eva's Nude. I'm sure you have heard many things about this lipstick before as it has been raved about to no end! I never really used to understand the hype all too much because although these are a beautiful smooth formula, I just didn't find that the colour was anything special. However, after discovering it in my collection again recently I fell in love with it because it's the perfect everyday colour that just gives your lips some colour and a little bit of shine which looks so nice, especially in the sunnier months as it's much nicer to wear on the lips than a heavier matte lipstick. 
Another one of my makeup favourites comes from the Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette and it is the shade Champagne Truffle. I don't think I had ever really used this colour before this month but I decided to try this out as a highlighter recently and absolutely loved it! It is such a nice pinky/white shade and looks lovely on. Also if any of you know what Too Faced shadows are like then you will know that they stay on really well which means that this as a highlight does as well which has been perfect when it's been hotter this month!
One of my favourite TV shows this month has got to be Love Island. I haven't been enjoying it as much as last years but I couldn't not put it in a favourites when I have been watching it every day! I think a lot of it this year is overdramatic but I feel like that's what's pulling me into it even though it is all junk TV really!! If you've been watching Love Island then definitely let me know what you think of certain people and what couple is your favourite because I'd love to know!
Another TV show that I can't do a favourites this month without mentioning has to be Pretty Little Liars because it was the final ever episode this month! I have been watching this show for about 3 and a half maybe even 4 years now so that meant that I was super excited for the final. I feel like the show had been repeating itself for a while now so it was coming to a close at a good time but it doesn't mean that I wasn't sad to see it go. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone that hasn't seen it yet but if you want to talk about it then please message me because I would love to know what people thought of it as I feel people have very mixed reviews on how it's ended. 

That's it for my favourites this month, but I'm so happy to be back to posting things on here for you all and if there's anything you'd like to see in particular then let me know! I'll speak to you all soon though!

bethany x
