maybelline baby skin review

Firstly sorry I haven't been posting anything for the past 2 weeks, I've just been trying to get back into school and because I'm in my final year of high school I'm putting school first at the moment so sorry about that but I'll try and upload more now that I'm back into the routine of school.
Anyway today I thought I'd review Maybelline Baby Skin, I have the original one however I am thinking about buying one of the new ones soon so if you have any views on whether I should and what one I should get then please comment them below. 
I have left this review to do a little while after a lot of other people have because I wanted to really test out the product before saying what I thought of it.
To start with I love the packaging of this because it's such a lovely blue colour which is the first thing that attracted me to it when it first came out. The mix of blue and pink makes it look so cute and that might just be me being strange but I love the packaging.
However when I first started hearing peoples reviews on it I was slightly reluctant to try it because many people were saying that it broke them out which I didn't really want to happen to me.
The top of the tube is a little nib so you only get a little bit of product out which is good so you don't waste any of it. 
This is roughly how much I tend to use just to even out my skin and this is honestly all you need. It really smoothes out my skin and makes my foundation apply a lot easier and it just overall makes my base look better than it does if I apply foundation straight onto my face.
I find that it does help your makeup stay but I have never really been wearing it for more than 7 hours so if you were out for a whole day you might want it to stay longer and I haven't yet been able to test how that holds. 
The good thing is that this didn't break me out at all, I already had a few spots when I used it recently and as any makeup would it made them a little worse but I haven't found that it has caused any more. 
Overall I'm really happy with this product so far which is why I am interested in trying the new ranges they have brought out recently to see if they are just as good.

Thankyou for reading and I hoped you have enjoyed this and it has possibly helped you make a decision about this product in some way.

lots of love
bethany x


  1. I've been looking at buying this for ages now but have never got round to doing it! Lovely review and great photos!xx


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